Today’s Words With Friends – Play Of The Day is GORGEDLY (155pts) and was submitted by Words With Friends Cheat user Mark.
Mark unleashed a violent attack on his opponent by throwing down everything he had in his arsenal. In conjunction with the full rack bonus, Mark used a triple word, double word, and triple letter to earn a score of 155 points.
1. a narrow cleft with steep, rocky walls, especially one through which a stream runs.
2. a small canyon.
3. a gluttonous meal.
4. something that is swallowed; contents of the stomach.
5. an obstructing mass: an ice gorge.
6. the seam formed at the point where the lapel meets the collar of a jacket or coat.
7. Fortification. the rear entrance or part of a bastion or similar outwork.
8. Also called gorge hook. a primitive type of fishhook consisting of a piece of stone or bone with sharpened ends and a hole or groove in the center for fastening a line.
9. the throat; gullet.
Verb (used without object)
10. to eat greedily.
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